Disney Firsts, My Disney Day, Best Day Ever
BRAND CONTENTDisneyFirsts and My Disney Day document the authentic stories of real families having meaningful “first” experiences, and to encourage viewers to visit the parks to create their own firsts! The vision was to convey that families can experience something new at Disney Parks for the first time, every time, in a sweet, authentic, and commercial way. Using high-end docu-beautiful cinematography, saturated imagery, well-placed slow motion, and wistful music, we sought to create dreamlike images that would connect on a deep level with viewers—and perhaps invoke the nostalgia of their own experiences! Best Day Ever series follows popular Disney Channel stars as they go about having the Best Day Ever at the Disney Parks. The spots air on several of Disney’s channels (Junior, XD, etc.) and was uploaded to numerous Disney social media sites, creating an immersive, multi-channel piece for all platforms.
Client: Disney Parks, Yellowshoes, Disney Channel
Tag: Branded short series
TRT :90 x 100
Starring: Real Families from around the country, various Disney Channel talent